
September 21, 2009

Bird Photo Quiz 5 answer

This photo quiz was a bit of a trick. There were two birds in the photo, not one as most were expecting. The Sandhill Crane easily stood out in the picture but the Ring-necked Pheasant was a little bit more hidden, only exposing it's head. Lynne at Hasty Brook ( was the first one to identify the Sandhill Crane and Hap from New Hope, MN identified the Ring-necked Pheasant. Even though the birds in the quiz were easy to identify one of them did not quite stand out like the other. Here is a photo of the crane and pheasant side by side. This time you can see the pheasant better.

1 comment:

Lynne at Hasty Brook said...

Hap has a sharp eye! I missed that pheasant head.